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#5 - Eras Overview

(Originally posted on Tumblr on October 29th, 2022)

oh, hey! two entries in a week! now that’s rare!

when i started posting these, i had no idea how busy junior year of college would end up making me. therefore, the entries have been as sporadic as they’ve been. however, i’m gonna try to post more frequently as the semester starts to wrap up, maybe with smaller entries talking about smaller topics. so far i’ve talked about broad topics that require lots of typing lol.

so for this one, i’m gonna crosspost this from reddit - a timeline i made for the caddicarus channel based on ancient egypt’s timeline! below the cut you’ll find my descriptions of the eras, also crossposted from reddit. i’ll make separate entries talking about all of these in depth. enjoy this surprise shorter entry!


early period - the skit videos from 2011-12.

old kingdom - the older vids before the february 2016 rebrand. there was an upload every sunday, but the caddicarus show wasn’t weekly. you would’ve expected to see any of caddy’s 5 shows at the time on sunday. mainline caddicarus episodes would come at least every 2 weeks, but there were some episodes that were months apart from each other. 2015 was especially notorious for this. of course, this seems normal nowadays, but at the time it was a divisive issue in the fanbase.

first intermediate period - a brief period where mainline caddicarus episodes became more sparse and divisive shows such as puppicarus premiered. this period ended in february 2016 when caddy ended all the other side shows except for current quickies, and added film fridays. the caddicarus show became weekly for the first time.

middle kingdom - this period is marked by weekly caddicarus show episodes with identical thumbnails. there were 2-3 uploads a week come hell or high water, except during occasional 2-3 week breaks. some fans were divided over whether or not the caddicarus show was rising or at least staying consistent in quality. this is also when the subscriber rate began to stagnate.

second intermediate period - this was a very experimental period in the caddicarus channel’s history where the last remaining side show - simply titled “caddy” - was slowly being phased out, or rather combined, into the mainline caddicarus show. because of this, modern game reviews and special videos such as the borderlands or team sonic racing videos became common in the mainline series. jetpackbraggin began making caddy’s thumbnails, and i believe this is when he got his SEO guy josh. season 11 marked the end of the slaughter/salvage gimmick as well. experimental videos such as videos on magazines or game marathoning videos began here. by the beginning of 2020, this experimental/transitional period was finalized.

new kingdom - the beginning of the “world of” videos we all know and love. the schedule and formula were thrown away entirely in favor of longer videos and higher production values. because of these changes, the channel was rejuvenated and subscriber rates skyrocketed. the channel finally reached a million subscribers in august 2022.