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(Originally posted on Tumblr on September 3rd, 2022)

In the wake of Caddicarus finally reaching his elusive 1 million subscriber mark, and in light of me re-subbing to the channel, I’ve decided to take a trip down memory lane and talk to y'all about my experiences. There are lots of things I’m fond of, and there are lots of things that I regret. But all in all, I’m still glad I was able to watch this channel develop into what it is now.

There are TONS of things for me to talk about, so I’m going to do a series where I talk about a different subject or event that occurred during my time watching the channel. I thought that I might as well put all this information in my autistic brain to good use.

Are you a bricks/Spons/whatever y'all call yourselves-era fan? Are you curious about how we were able to stand 3 doses of Caddicarus a week? Well, this is the series for you!

This series will delve deep into the pre-2020 Caddicarus channel (excluding 2019, which was the year i initially left), and my experiences with it, and I’ll even discuss videos that are now lost, or yet to be put on the Internet Archive. I’ll see if I can dig up screenshots of them!

So before I formally get into this, I want to lay out some basic info about me:

  • I regularly watched Caddicarus from August 21st, 2014 to March 7th, 2019.
  • I was 12 years old when I found the channel, and I was 17 when I left. I’m now 20 years old, and I returned the day before I wrote this post (9/2/22).

Now that I have that info out of the way, I can start rambling about this channel to y'all. Because I assume most people following me these days have no clue I used to be in this fandom lol. This is going to be super fun!! And it should definitely be a learning experience for newer fans.

I don’t think I’ll have a concrete schedule for this, but I’ll definitely be writing out a lot of these as my current Caddicarus kick persists. Some entries will be super short, some might be super long. The purpose of this is to 1): reminisce with fellow veterans, 2): educate newer fans about how crazy it used to be in these parts, and 3): serve as an archive of this channel’s rich history.

My ask box is open, so you can definitely send me ideas for a future post! I’m always open to talking about this show with y'all and my opinions on it.

Take care everybody! 💜